What is NO-sweet®
NO-sweet® is an innovative concept to support the elimination of sweets from your diet and weight reduction based on the unique mechanism of action of a proven, well-known plant substance. We have developed an innovative proprietary way how to support psychological and physical independence from sugar! Our innovative solution helps effectively and safely win over the reward center by teaching it that sweets do not give a sense of fulfillment and happiness. We support breaking this thread of sugar addiction by changing the brain's perception and reward center to sugar-containing products.
For Whom.

You are an overweight or obese person: Obesity is a chronic disease with the international ICD 10 code E66 as defined by the WHO and major health organizations and associations. In Poland, more than 7 million citizens suffer from obesity! The most commonly used parameter to estimate whether our body weight is correct is the body mass index (BMI)-a ratio formed by dividing our body weight, given in kilograms, by the square of our height, given in meters. Measure your BMI by clicking here:

You have been diagnosed with diabetes and/or insulin resistance, which can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels that increase cravings for sugary products.

Pre-menstrual women reaching for sweets: We know that many of you experience strong cravings for sweet snacks before your menstrual period. This is the result of a decrease in estrogen levels relative to progesterone, which affects the production of serotonin, responsible for, among other things. For your well-being.

People after a satiating lunch, looking for energy: Do you often reach for sweets after dinner, convincing yourself that it will give you energy?
That’s understandable, but it’s worth exploring healthier sources of energy that won’t introduce blood sugar fluctuations.

People with symptoms of depression: If depression has you reaching for unhealthy foods and sweets in search of a temporary sense of happiness and peace, consider alternative methods of dealing with your emotions.

Stress eaters: compulsive eating, triggered by stressful situations, is not related to hunger, but is an addiction , a need for a sense of temporary comfort. This is the effect of high levels of cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” which can increase the desire to eat sugary products. It is important to understand this.

You quit smoking and quickly gain weight: By eating sweets in a simple mechanism, you change a habit stimulated by a reward mechanism.

You are a person addicted to sweets: Sweets act on our senses like the strongest drug. We know how difficult it is to say to ourselves “stop the sweets” with compulsive eating, when our hand involuntarily reaches for another piece of chocolate or cookie and our reward center in the brain gives an illusionary sense of satisfaction destroying our body. Sugar is addictive to our body and destroys our health.

You are an overweight or obese person: Obesity is a chronic disease with the international ICD 10 code E66 as defined by the WHO and major health organizations and associations. In Poland, more than 7 million citizens suffer from obesity! The most commonly used parameter to estimate whether our body weight is correct is the body mass index (BMI)-a ratio formed by dividing our body weight, given in kilograms, by the square of our height, given in meters. Measure your BMI by clicking here:

You have been diagnosed with diabetes and/or insulin resistance, which can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels that increase cravings for sugary products.

Pre-menstrual women reaching for sweets: We know that many of you experience strong cravings for sweet snacks before your menstrual period. This is the result of a decrease in estrogen levels relative to progesterone, which affects the production of serotonin, responsible for, among other things. For your well-being.

People after a satiating lunch, looking for energy: Do you often reach for sweets after dinner, convincing yourself that it will give you energy?
That’s understandable, but it’s worth exploring healthier sources of energy that won’t introduce blood sugar fluctuations.

People with symptoms of depression: If depression has you reaching for unhealthy foods and sweets in search of a temporary sense of happiness and peace, consider alternative methods of dealing with your emotions.

Stress eaters: compulsive eating, triggered by stressful situations, is not related to hunger, but is an addiction , a need for a sense of temporary comfort. This is the effect of high levels of cortisol, known as the “stress hormone,” which can increase the desire to eat sugary products. It is important to understand this.

You quit smoking and quickly gain weight: By eating sweets in a simple mechanism, you change a habit stimulated by a reward mechanism.

You are a person addicted to sweets: Sweets act on our senses like the strongest drug. We know how difficult it is to say to ourselves “stop the sweets” with compulsive eating, when our hand involuntarily reaches for another piece of chocolate or cookie and our reward center in the brain gives an illusionary sense of satisfaction destroying our body. Sugar is addictive to our body and destroys our health.
What Distinguishes Us?
for vegans and vegetarians
do not contain
sugar and gluten
not tested on
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Do you have Any Question?
How long to use supplements to get the desired effect?
Supplements are best used for up to 3 months. Then you can expect optimal results from supplementation. Generally accepted norms recommend a break of several weeks and a return to supplementation. NO-sweet® Spray, due to its limited systemic effect, can be used all the time until the habit is permanently changed.
How long does the spray block the taste buds?
NO-sweet® Spray is a unique, innovative proprietary product from Life Harmony Pharm. It is the result of a lengthy process and many hours spent in laboratories.
The unique formula, the method of obtaining the extract, the origin of plant cultivation, concentration, density, and the composition of auxiliary substances have allowed us to develop a product that starts working within 5-10 seconds after application to the tongue. Its action, which selectively blocks the taste buds responsible for the sensation of sweetness, lasts individually for 30 to 40 minutes.
The developed duration of action is intended to support during difficult times when we have a strong desire for sweets and can’t resist. However, after this time, it allows us to return to experiencing the full range of flavors in other foods.
Remember that the final taste experience is a combination of sweet, bitter, and sour flavors. We want our patients to be able to enjoy healthy food and the full spectrum of flavors, except for moments when they consciously want to limit their consumption of sweets.
What is Ayurvedic medicine?
Ayurveda is an ancient medical system originating from India and closely related to Eastern philosophy. It recognizes the unity of body and spirit, as well as the unity of humans and the surrounding universe.
Ayurveda is considered the oldest medical system in the world. It has its origins in ancient India and dates back several thousand years. Its sources are often traced to the Vedas, the sacred texts of Hinduism, some of which were written around 1800 BCE. In reality, the principles of Ayurvedic medicine were likely recorded somewhat later, most likely between the 6th century BCE and the 6th century CE.
The name that describes the ancient Hindu medicine consists of two Sanskrit words: “ayur” (life) and “veda” (science). Therefore, it means the science of life or, in a loose translation, “the science of longevity.” This term effectively captures the essence of Ayurveda. Characteristic of Ayurveda is its holistic approach to the individual, as well as the use of meditative methods for diagnosis and treatment.
In modern times, Ayurveda is classified as unconventional medicine and is considered pseudoscience. However, as a “concept of health and therapy,” it has been officially recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1979.
Gymnema sylvestris – Gurmar, which is the basis of the NO-SweeT series of supplements, is a tropical plant native to southern India and Southeast Asia. Its leaves have been used for 2,000 years by Indian doctors in Ayurvedic medicine. Hindus called this plant the “sugar destroyer” because chewing its leaves caused a loss of the ability to taste sweetness while reducing the craving for sweet foods. Hence its application in diabetology (1). In European medicine, its use is limited to the treatment of diabetes and weight loss (2).
How can NO-sweet® supplements help people who quit smoking?
When quitting smoking, a significant portion of smokers replaces cigarettes with sweets. This is a typical substitution of habit and continuation of certain rituals. The main role here, similar to sugar addiction, is played by the reward mechanism. When quitting smoking, the body undergoes various physiological changes. One of them is a decrease in the level of dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for the feeling of pleasure [1]. Smoking cigarettes increases the level of dopamine, so people trying to quit smoking may experience a decrease in this neurotransmitter, leading to a feeling of discomfort. Sweets, rich in sugars, can also increase dopamine levels in the brain, leading to temporary relief and pleasure.
NO-sweet® Spray:
- By blocking the taste buds responsible for the sweet taste on the tongue, it makes sweets taste unpleasant when indulging in nicotine with sweets, reducing their consumption.
- Similarly, it disrupts the taste of cigarettes, and we don’t have the urge to take another puff.
Additionally supplementing with NO-sweet® Forte drops and NO-sweet® Complex capsules enhances this effect through systemic action and also reduces the appetite not only for sweet products but also supports weight reduction or fat tissue reduction and regulates blood sugar levels, which has very positive effects on our health.
What does sugar detox mean?
Sweets seem to affect our senses like the strongest drug. We know how difficult it is to say “stop” to sweets when it comes to compulsive eating, when our hand involuntarily reaches for another piece of chocolate or cookie, and our brain’s reward center provides a deceptive and damaging sense of satisfaction. We are well aware of how sugar addicts our bodies and harms our health. We know how strong this addiction is and the comprehensive support it requires.
We have developed an innovative proprietary method to support both the psychological and physical withdrawal from sugar addiction! Our innovative solution helps effectively and safely overcome the brain’s reward center, teaching it that sweets do not provide a sense of fulfillment and happiness. By applying NO-SweeT Spray to the tongue, we block the taste buds responsible for the sweet taste for about 30-40 minutes. When consuming sweets, we don’t taste the sweet flavor. For example, sugar tastes like sand, chocolate tastes like butter, and popular sweetened, carbonated drinks taste like sour water. We no longer enjoy these products, and our brain no longer associates them with something tasty. We facilitate the interruption of the sugar addiction thread by changing the brain’s perception and reward center response to products containing sugar. Over time, we develop a new habit in our brain: when we look at sweets, our brain no longer perceives them as attractive and tasty, and our brain’s reward center does not respond to these stimuli. By additionally supplementing with NO-SweeT Forte drops and NO-SweeT Complex capsules, we enhance this effect through systemic action. Moreover, we not only reduce the appetite for sweet products but also support weight loss, fat tissue reduction, and blood sugar regulation, which has very positive effects on our health.
Simple? Yes. Sugar detox is a challenging journey, but with our help, it’s natural and easy to implement.
How to choose the right supplement for your needs?
It’s simple. Define your goals. Get to know your body well. Conduct the appropriate laboratory tests.
If your biggest problem is sugar addiction, start with NO-SweeT Spray supplementation, and then choose the appropriate set.
Recommended sets:
Goal: Limiting sugar consumption (stress eating, inability to resist sweets before menstruation, quitting smoking and replacing nicotine with sweets, wanting to reduce the amount of sugar in your diet) – NO-sweet® Spray works in just 10 seconds after application!
Goal: Reducing body fat – NO-sweet® Spray + NO-SweeT Forte drops
Goal: Reducing blood sugar levels – NO-sweet® Spray + NO-SweeT Complex capsules
Goal: Optimal weight reduction, reduced appetite and sugar cravings, reduced body fat – NO-sweet® Spray + NO-sweet® Forte drops in the morning + NO-sweet® Complex capsules in the evening
How to achieve optimal results using NO-sweet® products?
The NO-sweet® series of products allows you to achieve your individual goals.
For optimal effect, we recommend the following supplementation regimen: NO-sweet® Spray (ad-hoc) + NO-sweet® Forte drops in the morning + NO-sweet® Complex capsules in the evening.
Can I use several supplements at the same time?
Yes. The NO-sweet® supplement series allows you to achieve individual patient goals.
NO-sweet® spray is the basis of therapy and helps to break free from sugar addiction on a psychological level (changing the perception of sweetness in the brain’s reward center) and on a physical level (we don’t reach for sweets because we don’t taste the sweetness, and they don’t taste good to us). Two sprays are administered on the tongue before dessert and in any situation where there is an uncontrollable craving for sweets. Recommended use is up to 3-4 times a day.
NO-sweet® Forte drops, due to their unique composition and the use of high permissible doses of the substances used, work systemically, allowing you to focus on reducing body weight and fat tissue, as well as reducing appetite and cravings for sweets.
NO-sweet® Complex capsules work systemically and contain additional components of plant extracts (in addition to those described above) that act similarly to insulin mimetics, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels in the body. The unique composition allows for optimal utilization of synergistic mechanisms in reducing body weight and fat tissue, reducing appetite and cravings for sweets, and stabilizing blood sugar levels in the body.
Proposed sets:
Goal: Limiting sweet consumption – NO-sweet® Spray
Goal: Reducing fat tissue – NO-sweet® Spray + NO-sweet® Forte drops
Goal: Reducing blood sugar levels – NO-sweet® Spray + NO-sweet® Complex capsules
Goal: Optimal reduction of body weight, reducing appetite and cravings for sweets, reducing fat tissue – NO-sweet® Spray + NO-sweet® Forte drops in the morning + NO-sweet® Complex capsules in the evening.
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